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Around the town: events seminars meetings talks.

08.05 Edit This 0 Comments »
NYARM Seminar

May 22 -- The New York Association of Realty Managers holds a seminar, 9 a.m. to noon, on Emergency Preparedness Training tailored to managers of multi-family housing. Luncheon and business program follow from noon to 2 p.m. Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 Seventh Ave. (33rd Street). All-inclusive Fee: $60 members; $100 nonmembers. Reservations recommended. Contact: executive director Margie Russell, (212) 216-0654, fax (212) 216-0680 or Credit cards accepted.

IREM IREM Institute of Real Estate Management (Chicago, Illinois)
IREM Institute of Real Estate Managers
IREM Integrated Research, Evaluation, and System Analysis Model
IREM Infra-Red Emission Microscopy
Cocktail Party

May 22 - The Greater New York Chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management This article or section needs sources or references that appear in reliable, third-party publications. Alone, primary sources and sources affiliated with the subject of this article are not sufficient for an accurate encyclopedia article. is hosting a complimentary cocktail party. Members and nonmembers are invited. Find out about becoming a Certified Property Manager This article or section is written like an .
Please help [ rewrite this article] from a neutral point of view.
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, Accredited accredited

recognition by an appropriate authority that the performance of a particular institution has satisfied a prestated set of criteria.

accredited herds
cattle herds which have achieved a low level of reactors to, e.g.
Resident Manager or Associate Member of IREM. The cocktail party will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on "The Roof" at 45 East 89th St., New York, NY. For further information please call (212) 944-9445.


May 22 - Owners and Managers Association announced that it will hold its next Chapter meeting. The meeting will feature a panel discussion on tenant retention and relationship management. The panel members include Tony Luisi, second vice president, director of operations for New York Life Investment Management; Joseph Swingle Swin´gle

v. i. 1. To dangle; to wave hanging.
2. To swing for pleasure.
v. t. 1. To clean, as flax, by beating it with a swingle, so as to separate the coarse parts and the woody substance from it; to scutch.
, RPA, FMA FMA Full Metal Alchemist (gaming)
FMA Federal Marriage Amendment
FMA Financial Market Authority (Austrian: Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht)
FMA Financial Management Association
, vice president of management services, Grubb & Ellis; and Kevin Welsh, first vice president, CB Richard Ellis CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. NYSE: CBG is a multinational real estate corporation currently based in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.. On December 20, 2006, the corporation, also known as CBRE, completed acquisition of Trammell Crow Co. in a transaction valued at $2. . The panel will be moderated by BOMA's immediate past president, Kurt Padavano, RPA, FMA, SMA (1) See SMA connector.

(2) (Shared Memory Architecture) See shared video memory.

(3) (Software Maintenance Association) A membership organization that began in 1985 and ended in 1996.
, CPM, senior vice president of asset and property management, Advance Realty Group. The price of the meeting is $45 for members and $65 for nonmembers. The meeting will be held at The East Brunswick Hilton in East

Brunswick, N.J. Registration, along with cocktails provided by Thennal Services of N.J., begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner and the presentation at 6:30 p.m.

PWC Awards Lunch

May 22 - Professional Women In Construction (PWC) will hold its annual Salute To Women of Achievement luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Yale Club, 50 Vanderbilt Ave., NYC NYC
New York City

NYC New York City
.. Honorees include Janice L. Tuchman, editor-in-chief, Enginering News-Record; Heather Martin, financial manager interiors, Turner Construction Company; Rosanne Hughes, president, Colonial Art Decorators, Inc.; Patricia J. Lancaster, commissioner, NYC Dept of Buildings and Sheila Bridges, president, Sheila Bridges Design, Inc. Awards will be presented by Kathryn Wylde of NYC Partnership; Linda Christensen of Tishman Realty & Construction Co., Inc.; Martha E. Stark of NYC Dept of Finance; Betsy Gotbaum, NYC Public Advocate and Marilyn Jordan Taylor of Skidmore Owings & Merrill, LLP LLP - Lower Layer Protocol . Tickets are $175. Sponsorship and Journal ads are available. For reservations call PWC at (212) 486-7745, fax: 212.486-0228 or email

Newman Institute Breakfast

May 23 -- The Newman Real Estate Institute and the CUNY CUNY City University of New York Institute for Urban Infrastructure will hold a breakfast entitled "Amtrak Rail Service and the New Pennsylvania Station: Their Economic Impact on New York" from 8 to 9:35 a.m. Michael Royce, president of Pennsylvania Redevelopment Corporation, Ross Wilmer, senior designer of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, and Anthony Pen, visiting scholar at the City University, will be the featured speakers at the event. The event will take place at the Steven L. Newman Hall, at 137 E. 22nd St. For registration and additional information please call (212) 802-5940.

Building Congress Lunch

May 23 - The New York Building Congress hosts its 81st Anniversary Leadership Awards Luncheon honoring Governor George E. Pataki and the construction industry of New York City. Reception begins at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch and program at 12:30 p.m., at the New York Hilton & Towers, 1335 Avenue of the Americas (between 53rd and 54th Streets). Individual tickets start at $250. For more information or reservations, call the Building Congress at (212) 843-1701.

Land Use Seminar

May 23 -- Sahn & Ward will hold a seminar entitled "Land Use Law Update in New York," from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Jon A. Ward, a partner of Sahn & Ward, will be the featured speaker at the event. The seminar will take place at the Holiday Inn of Plainview, at 215 Sunnyside Boulevard. Tuition: $239 per person. For registration and additional information please call Shari L. Goldstein at (516) 433-502.

BOMA Seminar

May 23 - BOMA/NY will present a seminar entitled "Health & Safety -- The Hidden Safety and Health Liabilities of Building Maintenance" from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the BOMA/NY conference room, 11 Penn Plaza, 10th floor, Suite 1000. Speakers will include Thomas Bianco, Kaufman, Schneider & Bianco; William Esposito, ambient group, inc.; Frank DeLucia, Kaye Insurance; and Richard Mendelson, OSHA OSHA
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a branch of the US Department of Labor responsible for establishing and enforcing safety and health standards in the workplace.
. Moderators are Laura Evans, Insignia/ESG, Inc.; Sona Olson, IESI IESI Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (Thales Avionics)
IESI Independent Environmental Services Incorporated (Haltom City, TX)
; and Herb Warshavsky, Duman Group Managers. The cost is $85 for members and $135 for non-members. For more information call Mary Sorgente at (212) 239-3662.

Networking Event

May 28 -- The National Association of Hispanics in Real Estate and Construction will holds its "Grand Inter-Organizational Networking Event" from 6 to 8 p.m. Such organizations as the Bronx Manhattan North Association of Realtors, the Construction Users Council, and the Real Estate Board of New York will participate in the event. It will take place at La Hacienda, at 209 E. 55th St. Members: $25 per person. Nonmembers: $75 per person. For registration and additional information please call (718) 742-5607.

Lease Seminar

May 30 to 31 -- National Lease Advisors, Inc. will offer a "Commercial Lease" seminar. The seminar will discuss such issues as operating expenses, conflicting clauses, real estate taxes, etc. It will take place at The Princeton Club. For registration and additional information please call (888) 279-6018.

Ethics Course

June 3 -- New York Real Estate Institute is offering an appraisal course called "Ethics & Standards" beginning June 3 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 10 p.m. at 19 West 34th St. The tuition is $225, materials included. To register, call (212) 967-7508.

1. National Research Council

2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Noun 1. NRC - an independent federal agency created in 1974 to license and regulate nuclear power plants

June 3 -- The National Realty Club will hold a lunch from noon to 2 p.m. at the Williams Club, 24 East 39th St. between Park and Madison Avenues. Peter Slatin, co-founder and editor-in-chief of GRID Magazine, will be the featured speaker. His topic will be "Putting NYC Back Together." To make reservations, call Tamara Beck or Burton Beck at (212) 551-1013 or email Payments should be mailed to 380 Lexington Ave., Suite 1700, New York, NY, 10168.

Energy Buyers Forum

June 4 - The New York Energy Buyers Forum (NYEBF), a coalition of commercial energy customers and energy service companies in the New York City area, is sponsoring a panel about "Ensuring Reliability Through ICAP (1) (Internet Content Adaptation Protocol) A high-level protocol for requesting services from an Internet-based server. iCAP provides a common format for requesting services using standard HTTP messaging. : To Reform or Not To Reform?" ICAP is short for the Installed Capacity charge paid by all retail power users to encourage new power generation in the New York City area. The panel will take place on June 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the C-2 level auditorium in 780 Third Ave. (between 47th and 48th Streets). Attendee registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Admission is free for NYEBF members and media representatives, and $45 for non-members. Non-members planning to attend are asked to RSVP (ReSerVation Protocol) A communications protocol that signals a router to reserve bandwidth for real time transmission. RSVP is designed to clear a path for audio and video traffic, eliminating annoying skips and hesitations. to (212) 419-1919 or to Refreshments will be served. Further information on the Forum is available at http://www.nyebf org.

AREW Lunch

June 4 -- The Association of Real Estate Women will holds its annual members only luncheon from noon to 2 p.m. The event will take place at the Harmonie Club, at 4 E. 60th St. Members: free of charge. For registration and additional information please call Stephanie Butler at (212) 331-1575.

IREM Lunch

June 5 -- The Greater New York Chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management is hosting a luncheon and seminar on June 5. The seminar will be conducted by Gary Alexander, president of Alexander Wall Corporation and the topic is "Emergency Planning and Disaster Recovery". The event will be held at the Uniondale Marriott, 100 James Doolittle Blvd., Uniondale, NY from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost for members and non-members is $30. There is no charge for IREM members that have pre-paid for their luncheons. This includes roundtrip bus transportation from Manhattan (corner of 44th St. & Vanderbilt Ave.) leaving promptly at 10 a.m. For more information or to register please call 212.944.9445 or visit

Blood Drive

June 6 -- Houlihan/Lawrence will hold a blood drive to benefit the Hudson Valley Blood Center from 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The event will take place at the Jefferson Valley Mall Community Center. For registration and additional information please call May Anderson at (914) 962-4900, ext. 123.

PWC Golf Outing

June 10 -- Professional Women In Construction will hold its annual golf outing from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The event will include brunch, "shotgun" tee off, a cocktail party, and a dinner. It will take place at the Willow Ridge Country Club in Harrison, N.Y. Golf package: $300 per person. Rest & relaxation package: $175 per person. Cocktail party and dinner only: $165 per person. For registration and additional information please call (212) 486-7745.

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